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There are protections available to students with disabilities that have been suspended or expelled for behaviors that are a manifestation of their disabilities.  We can help you assert  these protections on behalf of your child.




There are times when a Mediation and Due Process filing is the only way to resolve a conflict with your child’s district. Working closely with your family, we will review education and medical records, draft and file a due process filing with the Office of Administrative Hearings and represent your child in all stages of the resolution process.






When a child cannot be educated appropriately in the regular classroom, alternative placement decisions must be determined by the IEP team.  When there are disagreements with the District regarding the placement determinations, we can help facilitate this process. We will help you locate an appropriate NPS or District placement for your child.







We can provide legal representation and advocacy for your child at IEP meetings. We can help your child obtain all the supports, services and accommodations that he or she may need to access their education in a meaningful way. In addition our presence will assure that the districts follow the law and are accountable for their obligations, including procedural accuracy.






Some students who are not eligible for the supports and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) qualify for a Section 504 plan under the Rehabilitation Act. We can help your child obtain a Section 504 plan that includes supports, services, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations in public schools that allow your child to access their education.






We can help to maximize the services your child receives under their IEP.  These possible services include but are not limited to speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, social skills groups, 1:1 paraprofessional assistance, and behavioral supports and services.



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